Delivery Information


Order processing time 3 - 5 working days


Process by USPS & Special line parcels in various countries.

Your order will be delivered in 7-15 working days from when the courier takes charge of it.


Process by EMS, DHL, FEDEX, TNT, UPS.

Your order will be delivered in 5-10 working days from when the courier takes charge of it.

If your order does not arrive on time, there may be delay due to compensation processing customized for your country. Feel free to email us to help you locate your package at any time.


You can return any product purchased on our online store within 14 days from the date of delivery.

Your return will be delivered in 10-15 working days from when the courier takes charge of it.

Deliveries are made during business hours Monday through Friday, with the exception of holidays. The courier will attempt delivery at the address provided in your order. In the event of a failed delivery, your package will be delivered to the nearest Courier Access Point. All orders are processes automatically, therefore we are unable to modify shipping and delivery schedules.

Please take care when unpacking and repacking your products.

Make sure the products are in their original condition with all the tags and packaging included. If you want to return your product by mail, Please contact us for the details.


Purchased items can only be exchanged with articles of the same model, in a different size, if available.

You can return any product purchased on our store within 14 days from the date of delivery.

When the item has been received and processed, we will proceed with shipping of the new item, if available.

Make sure the products are in their original condition with all the tags and packaging included. 

Making a return, and consequently, exchanging sizes, Please contact us for the details.